Swisscom ignores the power of co-decision of the swiss population! – Now is the time to act!

Dear friends,
The Swissmobile communications company Swisscom intends to switch off 3G antennas (2.100 MHz) in Switzerland on 1st of October 2019 and use them as 5G antennas. It will thus be able to simulate a nationwide 5G network, even though only 2% of all antennas are genuine 5G antennas. This is a clever marketing move and a frontal attack on direct democracy in Switzerland.

In fact, a technical report by a group set up by the Federal Council to deal with „Mobile radio and radiation“ would first have to be awaited. With the switchover from 3G to 5G, Swisscom will be passing over the political processes in Switzerland. Further details can be found here:

If Swisscom gets its move through, the mobile communications industry could also try similarly tricky manoeuvres in other countries. So now is the right time to act internationally, to show solidarity with our friends in Switzerland around the world and to protest against Swisscom’s behaviour around the globe.

And that’s quite simple! It doesn’t matter exactly where you live on planet Earth. All you have to do is write emails and/or make phone calls. It can be that easy to act globally and become globally effective!

Below you will find Swisscom’s contact form and the contact form for the Department of the Environment, Transport and Energy (UVEK), which is responsible for political matters. Fill both in and write a polite, short, clear note, for example:

„Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

the launch of 5G on 1 October 2019 in Switzerland is undemocratic, because you ignore the right of the Swiss to have their say and the launch should therefore be rejected in principle!

Yours sincerely from….


And if you are a customer of Swisscom, you can add if you want: I hereby cancel my contract with Swisscom! This will certainly make a big impression. Of course only if you want. That’s very important anyway, we should follow our mood! Don’t stress; because stress is something for robots, but not for us. 🙂

And here is the contact form that you can use to write to Swisscom:

And this isthe contact form for UVEK

And if youalso like or prefer to make phone calls, you can find the phone numbers here.

Tel Swisscom: +41 800 800 800

Tel UVEK: +41 58 462 55 11

Please distribute this text further and make translations of it if you like – thank you!

Good luck and success to all of us
Cordial regards

Translated by

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