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Welt EHS Tag
16. Juni 2023

——– Original Nachricht ——–
Betreff: 💛 Word EHS Day 2023 – EHS gathering in Belgium
Datum: 17.05.2023 01:38 (GMT +02:00)
Von: Magali LESURE <magali.lesure@coeursdehs.fr>
An: magali.lesure@coeursdehs.fr
World EHS Day
Like every year, the World EHS Day will take place on June 16th. If its objective remains the same, its name has evolved:
„World EHS Day“, subtitled „World Day of Intolerance to Electromagnetic Pollution“.
You will find all the information about this day in this article:
I count on you to participate!
EHS Gathering
This big European EHS gathering will take place at the Belgian border on Saturday, June 17, as part of the World EHS Day.
If you want to go there, hurry up and register before May 20:
Thank you for sharing this information with others.
Magali Lesure
Founder of the association Coeurs d’EHS (Hearts of EHS)
Learn more about us, about the World EHS Day
and join our Facebook group June 16 !
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